Phone calls to the school
Parents are requested not to phone the office with messages to pass on to students unless it is an emergency. Office staff do not have the time to personally deliver messages to students in class. It is important that parents organize with their student for after school appointments or travel arrangements prior to coming to school in the morning.
The school P.A. system cannot be used during class time to call up students as this causes disruption to classes. Paging students at lunch time is not a guaranteed method of passing on messages as students do not always hear announcements due to the playground noise.
Leave Passes / leaving school early procedure
Parents may request leave passes in exceptional circumstances only. It is the Principal’s decision whether or not a leave pass is approved. Students must attend all timetabled classes including Tuesday and Wednesday sport and every effort needs to made to arrange medical appointments and driving lessons etc outside of school hours. Leave passes contribute to total student absences. Absences of more than ten days in a year can seriously affect academic progress and the certification that students will receive from the Queensland Studies Authority (QSA).
Leave Passes should be requested before 10am via:
Student leave line: (07) 3824 9222 option 2
Parental notes requesting a leave pass are to be taken to the office before school.
Please include student’s name, homegroup and the reason why they need to leave school and miss timetabled classes. The student must collect their leave pass before they leave the school.
Students are not to leave the school grounds during breaks. Students are not permitted to go to the shop across the road from the school during school hours. Please do not send notes requesting permission for students to go to any shops during lunchtime as they will not be approved. Students need to bring their own lunch or purchase lunch from the school canteen.
Serious consequences will be put in place for students who leave the school grounds without permission. Students who become ill while at school are not to phone their parents from their mobile phone. They need to follow the correct procedure and report to sick bay with a note from their classroom teacher. The teacher aides in sick bay will then phone a parent or guardian to collect their student from school.