
Students with a disability




At Cleveland District State High School we provide inclusive practices for all students with disabilities. Students will have a Personalised Learning Plan (PLP) as well as where necessary, an Individual Curriculum Plan (ICP), Individual Support Plan (ISP) and/or Post Future Action Plan (PFAP) to support their learning. 

Our mission is to develop young people who live life honestly, completely and compassionately while making a positive impact on those they meet. We wish to foster individuals with active and creative minds, a sense of understanding and empathy for others and the courage to act on their beliefs. We stress the total development of each individual: spiritual, moral, social, emotional, physical and intellectual.

The Student Support Services team is designated for:

  • Students that require higher levels of support such as Substantial and Extensive and Extensive plus

    However, the Service also offers AVT support students with
  • Hearing Impairment (HI) 
  • Vision Impairment (VI) 
  • Physical Impairment (PI)

    The SSS runs on an inclusive model where students are with their mainstream peers, Individual Curriculum Plans (ICP's) when needed, are developed, monitored and reviewed for each student supported by specialist teachers. Educational programs for all students will differ but include the opportunity for inclusion in mainstream classes and students may also have access to specialised classes within the SSS unit. Provision for students to be withdrawn from a subject is negotiable subject to principal approval.

    Support may also include, but is not necessarily limited to:
  • Modified timetables where appropriate 
  • Subject modification (including assessment) where appropriate 
  • Test reading assistance where necessary 
  • Assistance with organisational / personal skills

    Inclusive strategies to support students with specific learning needs or disabilities include:
  • Timing allowed for assessment
  • Scheduling of assessment
  • Setting for assessments and learning
  • Presentation of assessments and subject matter
  • Response type for assessments  
  • Co-Teaching

    Our specialist support staff are located in Block C which has facilities, including kitchen, laundry, disability accessible shower and toilet, garden area and outdoor classroom. Specialist teachers provide programs and advice for parents and teachers in an inclusive setting.

    Transition programs are run each year for the students coming from local Primary schools. These occur during Term 4 and include visits by our staff to the primary school and half day visits by the students to school in order to decrease anxiety for the start of Year 7.

    The Student Support Services Program maintains students within the scope of Education Queensland and school policies. For further information please contact:

    Kerry Bevan (Deputy Principal Inclusion)

    P: 3824 9283

  • NDIS​ Policy
    This service is a National provision for eligible people with a disability to support reasonable access to achieve personal goals (in education, employment and community activities).
  • NDIS Parent ​reque​st form

    Please refer to this form to apply


Last reviewed 26 March 2025
Last updated 26 March 2025