
P&C Association



Always Worthy

The Cleveland District State High School Parents and Citizens (P&C) Association encourages closer co-operation between the school, parents and the wider community. P&C Association members work with the Executive Principal and school staff on behalf of the students’ families to foster an interest amongst the parents in educational matters as well as fundraising to provide financial resources for the school.  Core functions of the P&C Association are:

  • operating the school Tuckshop and Uniform Shop;

  • supporting the various sub-committees;  

Download the P & C Constitution here.


The P&C Association presently operates a sub-committee associated with agricultural science extra-curricular activities. They report to the P&C Association and consist of parents and teachers who are involved in the organisation and fundraising for those activities.

All parents are encouraged to attend sub-committee meetings relevant to the activities in which their child participates. Not only do parents get to meet the teachers involved, but they also find out what is happening first-hand.

POST – Parents of Show Team

Parents of Show Team is for parents who wish to be involved in assisting with fundraising and running of the sheep show team.

All parents of show team members are welcome and encouraged to attend the meetings, held at the school farm. For more information on POST, please contact

Executive Team 2025

The members of the P&C Executive committee that manage the CDSHS P&C are voluntary and provide their time and input at no cost. The P&C Executive Team conduct the official management of the school tuckshop and uniform shop.

The P&C Executive Team for 2025 are:


  • President - Rivca Swinson
  • Vice-President - Ekta Verma
  • Secretary - Deborah Mitchell
  • Treasurer - Rebecca Wehr

Our Executive Team, Convenors and employees are supported and assisted by our Operations Manager, Kellie James.  The Operation Manager’s role at the P&C is principally to manage all P&C business operations. Importantly, our Operations Manager is also a liaison between the School Administration, the Executive team, our employees and the school community.

How does the P & C support the School?

The P&C operates the school tuckshop and uniform shop in the school grounds. All profits raised are put back into the school community to benefit all students.  Our P&C also promotes and encourages an atmosphere of community through the employment of past students and parents of students in its businesses. 

Our P&C has a very proud history of supporting CDSHS and its students.  In the last 5 years, the P&C has contributed to and supported the following initiatives:

  • Multi-purpose Hall project – our P&C was instrumental in publicising the long overdue need for a modern and spacious multi-purpose hall through its sponsored E-Petition to the State Government and lobbying various State Government Departments for support;

  • Improved resources and infrastructure across CDSHS service areas, such as the provision of funding for air conditioning and solar panels for electricity production; and

  • Funding for capital improvement projects, such as the recent Library extension; and

  • Support of students representing CDSHS by providing financial assistance for sporting, academic or cultural activities; and chaplaincy Support Services. 

  • Community Initiatives in collaboration with CDSHS, such as the Teen Mental Health Awareness; and

  • Providing funding to the Performing Arts/Instrumental Music program for the purchase of many varied musical instruments; and

  • Providing funding to the school - grounds maintenance, student awards, student transport costs for the senior formal.

P&C Meeting Dates for 2025

P&C Meetings are held in the Cleveland District State High School Innovation Centre (F9-F10) which is located behind the language block. Entry is via Russell Street.   Meetings start at 7:00pm and all are welcome.

  • ​Tues 25th Feb - starts AGM and meeting follows.
  • Tues 20th May
  • Tues 29rd July
  • Tues 2rd September

Become a Member of the P&C

Cleveland District State High School is a diverse and unique community of students, parents, teachers and staff. Outstanding schools need strong parent, carer and community input to ensure the best outcomes for students and staff. 

We welcome parents, carers and members of our community to become members of our P&C Association. Come along and be part of our next meeting.

To become a member of the Cleveland District State High School P&C Association you need to complete the Application for P&C Membership form. Please note: membership expires at our annual AGM. 

Download the Application Form for Membership​.

Interested in Volunteering?


Volunteers are always welcome in our tuckshop. Come in, have some fun and meet our friendly tuckshop staff.  For more details please contact our Convenor, Tina Hauser.

T: (07) 3824 9214


For more Tuckshop information and menu options click here.

Uniform Shop

Volunteers are always welcome in our Uniform Shop.  For more details contact our Convenor, Rachel Quinlan.

T: (07) 3824 9213


For more Uniform Shop Information and opening hours click here.


The P&C uses online ordering through Flexischools for Tuckshop and Uniform Shop orders.

Tuckshop - Parents and students can pre-order their morning tea and/or lunch online through the Flexischool online ordering system. This is the best way to ensure your student receives the food they prefer in the fastest time.

Uniform Shop - Parents and students can order their complete school uniform or other items as needed throughout the year.  Orders will be available for your child to pick up in the Uniform Shop within 24-48 hours.  

Registering with Flexischools is easy and only takes a few minutes.  Register yourself and your student/s today.  Visit for more information.

Contact the P&C

Contact the P&C via the school office or email.

T: (07) 3824 9222


Last reviewed 04 March 2025
Last updated 04 March 2025