
Connecting with support services @ Cleveland



Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Support

Our Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Support Team works positively with staff, students, parents and community using the philosophy, of the school, the EATSIPs (Embedding Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Perspectives) Committee and the Moving Together cluster, to ensure the best educational outcomes for our students.


Successful partnerships with organisations such as the Beyond Broncos, Minjerribah Moorgumpin Elders In Council Aboriginal Corporation, Cooee Indigenous Family and Community Education Centre, Yulu Burri Ba Health Services and the Institute of Urban Indigenous Health, also provides wonderful support, enriching the education of our students.

Students can access support staff: Wendy Ingram; Brittany Cox and Kelsey Ladbrooke-Parkin at the Yungabura (Safe Place) room.

Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Coordinator      Ph: 3824 9220

Wendy Ingram                                                           


Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Education Worker

Canay Brown-Coghill                                                           Ph: 3824 9222


Guidance Officers


Guidance Officers in State schools are experienced teachers who have undertaken postgraduate studies and specialist training in guidance and counselling.


Guidance Officers in high schools provide direct assistance to students and parents or caregivers regarding any issue that impacts on the students' smooth progress through school, their progression to further study or training and/or their transition into the world of work.

Students are able to access the Guidance Officers by visiting their offices directly or by emailing to make an appointment. Parents can also call and arrange an appointment. Melissa Davila is the Guidance Officer for Years 7-8, Nicola Horwood Years 9-10, whilst Annie Schultz works with students in Year 11-12.

Guidance Officers                   Ph: 3824 9222

Melissa Davila               

Nicola Horwood            

Annie Schultz                 




Chaplaincy is a non-denominational program which forms part of the school's Student Support Services. 

Our chaplain, Neale Collier, provides spiritual, social and emotional care to the school's community, through one-on-one pastoral care, activities throughout the year, lunch-time drop-in centre, opportunities for leadership in our Student Chaplaincy Committee and an annual camp during the September school holidays.  Chaplaincy provides a listening ear and a caring presence for students in crisis and for those who just need a friend.  They also provide support for staff and parents in the school community.  The Chaplaincy Service is open 5 days a week in the C-Block Drop In Centre.

Chaplains                                Ph: 3824 9239

Neale Collier                  



School Based Police Officer

 The School Based Policing Program is a joint initiative between the Queensland Police Service and the Department of Education and Training. The main role of the program is to establish positive relationships between police and the secondary school community and contribute to a safe and supportive learning environment. School Based Police Officers support students at risk of offending while encouraging school communities to adopt approaches that aide in crime prevention and proactive policing.  The School Based Police Officer helps high schools and the community by:

  • addressing identified needs within the school community;
  • helping teachers develop and present curriculum material to meet police and school community needs; and
  • undertaking initial response and investigation of offences within the perimeters of the school.

 School Police Officer             Ph: 3824 9222

 Senior Constable Corey Dean            


School Nurse

 Youth Health Nurses work on a range of issues through individual consultations, classroom presentations and health promotion initiatives.

You can talk with your youth health nurse about a range of health and wellbeing issues, such as:

  • Healthy eating and exercise;
  • Relationships, personal or family problems;
  • Sexual health;
  • Smoking, alcohol and other drugs;
  • Growth and development; and
  • Feeling sad, worried or angry.


Contact your school's youth health nurse to book an appointment - this can be before or after school, during breaks or in class time.

School Nurse                          Ph: 3824 9253

Paula Kenny                   


Engagement Teams


CDSHS is committed to providing a safe, respectful and disciplined learning environment for all students and staff. The Engagement Centre, comprising a Dean and Assistant Dean for each year level (7-12), administration officer and teacher aides, contribute greatly towards ensuring safe and supportive classroom and playground environments. 

Engagement Centre staff lead the implementation of CDSH'S Student Code of Conduct, effectively managing student behaviour, tracking student attendance and monitoring student academic progress. The Engagement Centre furthermore supports student welfare and nurtures a sense of belonging within each year level.    


Senior Pathway Team

Our Seniors (10-12) have access to a variety of supports to help with the transition from school to either further studies, work or alternative learning pathways.

Industry Liaison Officer (ILO) – Deb Mansfield will assist students in the senior school who are looking to apply for a TAFE course, a Certificate course held at school on Friday (Options Day), or need help with accessing work experience or signing up to a School-based Traineeship or Apprenticeship.

Link and Launch Officer – Gemma Nevin offers support and assistance to students who have completed Year 12 and are looking for pathways into further study or work

Senior School Teacher Aides – offer support to students in class and in the Engagement Centre for assistance with organising assessment tasks.


The Homework Centre​​

The Homework Centre, coordinated by the Learning Support Faculty is available to all students, Tuesday's​ and Thursday's, in the Library, from 2.45 – 3.50. Attendance each week, is approximately 100 students. Students are given a healthy snack and a drink of water before commencing work. Each week a summary of daily attendance numbers and names is emailed to all teaching staff.

Last reviewed 18 March 2025
Last updated 18 March 2025