Cleveland District State High School prides itself on ensuring that we are leaders of Junior Secondary Schooling within our community. By providing our students with opportunities to succeed and be extended in academic, sporting and cultural pathways; an environment that empowers young people has been established.
The School Philosophy of ICARE is at the forefront of Junior Schooling at Cleveland District SHS to ensure a strong student-centred learning focus emphasising student engagement, the building of strong relationships and laying the foundations for life-long learning in the 21st Century. Along with the use of digital resources, our students are provided with the skill set to confidently transition from the Junior School into Senior School and beyond.
Students in Year 7 and Year 8 study the following subjects; English, Math, History/ Geography, Science and Technology, Creative Arts, Health & Physical Education (or Sport Development for our academy students) and one of the three offered Languages (Chinese, French and Japanese). In Year 9, students continue in the core subjects of English, Math, Science, History/ Geography, Health & Physical Education, with a choice of two elective subjects. The Junior curriculum is aligned with the Australian Curriculum, whilst our teachers use academic results, NAPLAN data and formative assessment to map students progression, and to guide individualised lesson plans to cater for student needs.
We have created strong relationships with our main cluster schools: Cleveland State School, Thornlands State School, Ormiston State School, Mount Cotton State School, Bay View State School and Dunwich State School. This allows for various curriculum connections as well as a comprehensive transition program. There is regular sharing of resources and cluster days to allow the students of these schools to feel confident to commence high school in Year 7 at Cleveland District SHS.
There are various opportunities for students to be active within the school community and we encourage all students to pursue their passions.