Whole of school policies
Important information for students and parents/caregivers
The Important information for students and parents/caregivers (PDF, 333KB) contains lots of useful information for parents regarding school procedures at CDSHS.
The Student Code of Conduct
The Student Code of Conduct (PDF, 1,693KB) is the school's behaviour policy, with information about school rules, consequences and processes for addressing bullying and the use of technology. From 2021, the Student Code of Conduct replaced the Responsible Behaviour Plan for Students.
Away for the day - mobile phone policy
From Term 1 2024, all state school students must keep their mobile phones switched off and 'away for the day' during school hours, including break times. Students will be able to use their phone outside of school hours to support safe travel, and to make contact with parents, friends and part-time employers. The school's Phones away for the day (PDF, 411KB) outlines how the state-wide policy will operate at CDSHS. For further information about the state-wide policy, visit the Department of Education's “away for the day" website.
NDISNDIS Policy (PDF, 681KB) - This service is a National provision for eligible people with a disability to support reasonable access to achieve personal goals (in education, employment and community activities). Please refer to the Parent request form (PDF, 166KB) to apply.
Enrolment Management Plan
The Enrolment Management Plan sets out the conditions under which students may be enrolled into Cleveland District State High School (CDSHS). The Plan ensures in-catchment students can enrol at their local state school.
Exemption from Compulsory Schooling
The Exemptions from compulsory schooling and compulsory participation procedure (PDF, 400KB) provides parents and carers with information if you wish to remove your student/s from school for more than 10 school days. If you are going to remove your student/s, the Application for exemption for a child or young person enrolled in a state school (PDF, 227) must be submitted to the Administration Office or via email to absence@clevelanddistrictshs.eq.edu.au.
Reference Policy
The Reference Policy (PDF, 2 MB) provides students with information on how to write reference lists, including examples of the correct referencing format.
Sick Bay Policy
The sick bay policy is outlined in the important information for students and parents/caregivers document above.
Sun Safety Policy
The Sun Safety Policy (PDF, 202KB) guides Cleveland District SHS on how to protect our students from the harmful effects of the sun.
ICT Policy
These two documents outline the responsibilities of students when using ICTs at Cleveland District SHS. It comprises two documents:
Acceptable use of ICT services, facilities and devices (PDF, 114KB)
Use of mobile phones and other devices by students (PDF, 121KB)
Online Service Consent forms are required to be compled on enrolment and again for senior schooling when the student commences Year 10. These forms are accessed through QParents. If you require a QParents invitation code please email qparents@clevelanddistrictshs.eq.edu.au.
Uniform Policy
The School Dress Code (PDF, 233KB) outlines school dress standards and expectations as determined by the Executive Principal and representatives of the school community.