
High performance learning



At Cleveland District State High School, the High Performance Learning (HPL) program offers opportunities for students from Years 7-12 to be extended beyond the classroom and reach their full academic potential. This is a crucial part of Cleveland District State High School's tradition of contributing to the development of active, compassionate, lifelong learners who have the confidence and abilities necessary to face the challenges of our rapidly changing society.  


Academic extension classes are made up of high-achieving, hard-working, and dedicated students. Being a part of these classes offers students the opportunity to be extended across all aspects of the curriculum. Students who are in these classes are automatically invited to be a part of the HPL program.

Cleveland District State High School – Year 6 into Year 7 Academic Excellence Program  

Cleveland District State High School has a proud tradition of Preparing Students to Meet the Future. One of the ways we achieve this is by providing opportunities for students to excel in their chosen pathway. For highly motivated students who achieve strong academic results, we offer an Academic Excellence Program in Year 7, leading into an Intensive Academic Pathway in Senior. This pathway allows students to engage in a broad range of general ATAR subjects, including specialist and extension subjects, ensuring they are both challenged and supported in reaching their academic potential. The Year 7 program is designed to foster critical thinking and provide engaging learning experiences that bring out the best in high-achieving students. Entry into this program is competitive, with places awarded based on Year 6 performance, NAPLAN results, and positive effort and behaviour comments on primary school report cards. Applications for the academic program are open to families both within and outside our catchment area.

Junior students (Years 7-9) who are identified through NAPLAN results and school-based academic data are also formally invited to be a part of the HPL program. This part of the program, formerly known as Ignite, offers students the opportunity to participate in workshops designed to develop their teamwork skills, problem solving abilities, and critical and creative thinking skills. Furthermore, students are invited to attend various excursions throughout the year and work with like-minded peers. This group of students also have the opportunity to be mentored to ensure their academic success.


High performing students in the senior phase of learning (Years 10-12) at Cleveland District State High School are consistently supported to achieve their best in their academic studies. This occurs through a variety of initiatives including classroom level differentiation, study skills workshops and opportunities to gain early entry to university studies. Students are also invited to participate in the mentoring of junior HPL students. This is an ongoing extracurricular activity that not only supports the academic success of the junior students but also supports the academic success of the mentors involved in this program.


All students at Cleveland District State High School are encouraged to participate in academic extra-curricular activities. Participation in these activities helps students to improve their team work skills, problem solving abilities, time management and critical and creative thinking. Academic extra-curricular activities that students can be involved with include:

  • Queensland Debating Union Secondary School competition
  • Readers' Cup
  • Premier's Reading Challenge
  • Lions Youth of the Year

For more information please contact the School. 


Last reviewed 12 March 2025
Last updated 12 March 2025