
Enrolment - Year 7 2026


Year 7 2026 Enrolments – Important Dates


29th April       

Enrolment packages available for collection from Cleveland District State High School Administration Office or Y6 students can collect from their Primary School Office (Feeder schools only).

Enrolment Lodgement Appointment bookings will be available on our website from the 29th of April 2025. Please book your appointment to lodge your enrolment paperwork from the 14th of July 2025 (Term 3). Your application must include your student's semester one year 6 report card.

Please book an enrolment lodgement appointment at

Enter Event Code: jcuvg and follow the prompts.


Please note this appointment is not an interview and your student is not required to attend this 10minute appointment for the lodgement of the enrolment paperwork.


7th May            

Year 6 into 7 Information Evening - Paul Bancroft Centre 6.00pm – 7.00pm.

26th May         

Sports Development Program Trials 3.30pm to 5.00pm

Venue: Cleveland District SHS sporting facilities

Reserve your place at

Enter Event Code: gfdf8


14th July          

Enrolment Lodgement Submissions are open - Enrolment Applications must include your student's year 6 semester one report card. Completed Enrolment Applications, together with all supporting documentation, must be submitted in our administration office from the 14th July 2025 and application submissions will close on the 8th August.


8th August      

Closing Date for completed enrolment packages to be returned to Cleveland District SHS.


19th Sept        

Email Notification for Parents and students of their enrolment application outcome.


How To ​Enrol - YEAR 7 2026

Cleveland District State High School operates under an Enrolment Managed Plan. CDSHS has a strong commitment to students from the local area.  The documentation parents or legal guardians are required to provide will depend on whether your student meets the in-catchment enrolment criteria or the out-of-catchment area criteria. 

1.      Queensland Government Schools Catchment Link. To determine if you are within our catchment area, please click on the below link;


edMap - Department of Education​


2.      In-Catchment Enrolment Applications: To be eligible for enrolment under the in-catchment area criteria, parents or legal guardians need to fully demonstrate the student's principal place of residence is genuinely within the defined local catchment map area.   Various documentation to support an in-catchment application is required with each enrolment application. Compulsory Principal Place of Residence documentation must include:

  • A current lease agreement with RTA Bond Receipt or unconditional sale agreement or
  • A rates notice showing this same address and parent's/legal guardian's name
  • 3 x utility bills (e.g. electricity, gas, telephone, internet, car registration, car insurance, house insurance)

The Enrolment Committee may request any additional documentation and conduct other enquiries deemed necessary to satisfy eligibility criteria.


3.       Out-of-Catchment Enrolment Applications. To be eligible for enrolment under the out-of-catchment area criteria, parents or legal guardians need to provide: 


  • A current lease agreement with RTA Bond Receipt or unconditional sale agreement or
  • A rates notice showing this same address and parent's/legal guardian's name (If applicable)

  • Catchment Exemption Application Form.

Please complete the Catchment Exemption form in the enrolment application and attach any additional documentation which may be provided to support your student's selective entry based on academic, sporting, or creative arts merit.  The enrolment committee will consider any additional information provided with an enrolment application. 

4.      Enrolment packages available for collection on the 29th April from Cleveland District State High School Administration Office or Year 6 students can collect them from their Primary School Office (Feeder schools only). Please complete our Enrolment Application, together with all supporting documentation. A checklist of all supporting documents required can be found on page 5-6 of the enrolment application booklet.


5.      Book Enrolment Lodgement Appointment. Your completed Enrolment Application, together with all supporting documentation, must be submitted in person at our administration office from the 14th of July 2025 in Term 3. Your application must include your student's semester one report card. This is a 10minute appointment to check and submit your application. Your student is not required to attend this appointment. An enrolment lodgement appointment will be open for bookings from the 29th of April 2025 at:

Enter Event Code: jcuvg and follow the prompts.


Incomplete applications, or applications that are not accompanied by all necessary documentation cannot be accepted.


6.      Closing Date for completed enrolment packages to be returned to Cleveland District SHS is by the 8th of August 2025.


7.      Email Notification for Parents and students of their enrolment application outcome will be sent out on the 19th September 2025.


8.      Decision on Enrolment

The Enrolment Committee is responsible for all decisions on in-catchment and out-of-catchment enrolments and their decision on selection will be final.  There is no internal review of the Enrolment Committee's decision.

The Enrolment Committee is responsible for all decisions on enrolments and may request any additional documentation and conduct other enquiries deemed necessary to satisfy eligibility criteria.

Where the Enrolment Committee forms a preliminary view that an application will not satisfy the conditions of enrolment, applicants will be notified in writing.  The applicant may respond to the Enrolment Committees preliminary view by making a written submission to the Executive Principal, no later than ten (10) days after the preliminary view letter was issued.

If no submission is received, the Enrolment Committee's preliminary view will be treated as the final decision and no further notice will be provided.

If a submission is received, the Executive Principal will consider the submission and make a final decision. A final decision notice will be provided to the applicant as soon as is practicable.

There is no review of the Executive Principal's decision.

Cleveland District State High School – Year 6 into Year 7 Academic Excellence Program  

Cleveland District State High School has a proud tradition of Preparing Students to Meet the Future. One of the ways we achieve this is by providing opportunities for students to excel in their chosen pathway. For highly motivated students who achieve strong academic results, we offer an Academic Excellence Program in Year 7, leading into an Intensive Academic Pathway in Senior. This pathway allows students to engage in a broad range of general ATAR subjects, including specialist and extension subjects, ensuring they are both challenged and supported in reaching their academic potential. The Year 7 program is designed to foster critical thinking and provide engaging learning experiences that bring out the best in high-achieving students. Entry into this program is competitive, with places awarded based on Year 6 performance, NAPLAN results, and positive effort and behaviour comments on primary school report cards. Applications for the academic program are open to families both within and outside our catchment area.


Sport Development Trials for Year 7 2026

Sports Development Program Trials will be held on the 26th May from 3.30pm to 5.00pm.

Venue: Cleveland District SHS sporting facilities.


Please make sure you register your student online at -

Enter Event Code: gfdf8 and follow the prompts.

All enquiries for enrolments can be sent to

Last reviewed 12 March 2025
Last updated 12 March 2025