ISP Staff
Our International Staff are caring, dedicated, knowledgeable world travellers with decades of experience leading international learning programs. Our role is not only to offer academic support but also to ensure high quality pastoral care of each student. Ensuring you are comfortable in your Homestay, making friends with other international and Australian students and generally feeling happy with your education experience is our number one priority.

Working in the International
Student Program is more than just our job, it's our passion. Every day, you will
find us located in the International Student Program Office. It is one
of the best places at Cleveland District State High School, always filled with
students from across the world connecting together with laughter, language and
learning. We sincerely look forward to working with you at Cleveland District
State High School.

Mr Grant Mitchell
Deputy Principal
Telephone: +617 3824 9222
Mrs Kylie Venamore
Head of Department - Languages and International Student Program
Mrs Zorana Durdevic
International Student Program Coordinator
Mrs Mandy Myler
International Homestay Coordinator
Mrs Louise Gibbon
EAL/D Teacher
Telephone: +617 3824 9273